


このような症例に対し、もぐもぐクリニックでは 本年4月より摂食機能療法の一環として「口腔周囲筋ボツリヌス治療」を開始する運びとなりました。








Perioral Muscle Botulinum Toxin Therapy


Cerebrovascular diseases and neurodegenerative diseases can interfere with the sequence of swallowing movements by making it difficult to control muscle tone in the perioral muscles.


In response to such cases, Mog2 Clinic will start ” Perioral Muscle Botulinum Toxin Therapy ” as a part of Dysphagia rehabilitation in April this year.


Although this therapy is not covered by insurance, it is expected to ease the tension in the perioral muscles, making swallowing therapy easier and maintaining the original oral functions.


Perioral Muscle Botulinum Toxin Therapy has been initiated in both outpatient and home care settings.


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