
もぐもぐクリニックでは現在 年間200件以上の嚥下造影検査(X線TV装置を用いた嚥下機能検査: VF)を行っています。





外観・香り・味・食感が実際の炊飯米に近く、摂食嚥下の一連の流れにおける全てのステージにおいて精度の高い観察が可能になっただけでなく、ベタつきも少ないため おむすび型やシャリ玉型にして被験者自身が手で持って口腔内に入れることも可能となりました。冷凍保存も可能です。


今回開発した検査食は、本年8月に福岡で開催される「第30回 日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会学術大会」にて発表予定です。




Development of inspection food for videofluoroscopic examination of swallowing


Mog2 Clinic currently performs more than 200 times VF examination (videofluoroscopic examination of swallowing) per year.

In order to perform high-precision VF examination, it is necessary to make the radiopaque inspection foods used as close as possible to actual meals, and we have made a number of improvements to various inspection foods since opening in 2018.


Our Nutrition Department has recently developed “Improved Barium Cooked Rice” using barium sulfate, and has started using it as a inspection food this month.


The appearance, aroma, taste, and texture are close to those of actual cooked rice, enabling highly accurate observation at all stages of the swallowing process. And it can also be frozen and stored.


The developed inspection food will be presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Dysphagia Rehabilitation held in Fukuoka in August this year.


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